JP Kelly -- 498,000
2009 World Series of Poker Europe
Event 1 - ��1,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info
JP Kelly -- 498,000


Board: a rather exciting

Ladies and gentlemen, we are heads up in this ultra-mega-fast final. Imminent bracelet-winnerhood beckons one of our two finalists...

Adnan Alshamah -- 190,000
JP Kelly -- 490,000

Allen: behind with

Board: an ace-less

With a handshake, Richard Allen finished in fourth place, while Kelly found himself back in serious contention with around 500,000 in chips.
But Fabien Dunlop was having none of it and promptly announced all in to cover them both. Both Alshamah and Kelly folded faster than an origami master who;s had too many espressos. ALl back to normal then.

Now reasonably chipped up, a couple hands later Kelly reraised from the small blind to a 35,000 raise from Richard Allen under the gun. Kelly made it 90,000, and Allen, too short really to just flat-call, gave it some thought before folding

"OK, let's see some cards," in the words of the new announcer who has now replaced out friends Steve From Birmingham.



With some clearly delighted but not excessive clapping and fist-pumping from Alshamah, he doubled up to 350,000 and is now in second place, chip-wise. Dunlop remains over the million mark.
In fact, play since the break has largely consisted of pots being taken down by simple prelop raises.
Fabien Dunlop -- 1,200,000
JP Kelly -- 330,000
Adnan Alshamah -- 180,000
Richard Allen -- 225,000