"Good Fold"

The action had started with Ian Frazer, raising it up to 1.6k from early(ish) position and being called not only by Vathne, but also Richie O'Sullivan in the big blind.
After all three players had inevitably checked the

O'Sullivan sidestepped out of the way leaving the decision to Frazer, the two time TV winner cracking his neck in Hansen-esque fashion as he contemplates his next move.
"I'm probably in front," announces Fraser. "I saw Willie dwelling up pre-flop, so I reckon he had an Ace."
After his expert analysis in which he deduces that there is only one Ace out there, he folds nonetheless and allows Vathne to snatch the pot.
"Good fold," adds Vathne, seemingly with a serious face but with that distinct sense of "Ha, ha, I bluffed your ass and now I'm going to be annoying and keep you guessing by saying 'good fold' with a slight smile on my face."