2007 World Series of Poker Europe (WSOPE)
Event 1 - ��2,500 Horse
Day: 3
Event Info

Hand #16 Morrison raises to 8,000 and Beevers calls from the big blind. The flop is

Hand #13. Ferguson raises from UTG, Bronshtein calls from the small blind and Kravchenko calls from the big blind. The flop is

Hand #14. Harman raises to 8,000 from UTG, Beevers calls, Morrison calls and Ferguson calls from the big blind. The flop is

Hand #10 Bronshtein raises, and Morrison calls from the big blind. The flop is

Hand #11. Harman raises to 8,000 from the cutoff and Beevers calls from the button. The flop is

Jennifer Harman -- 196,000
Yuval Bronshtein -- 185,500
Chris Ferguson -- 166,500
Thomas Bihl -- 142,500
Alex Kravchenko -- 120,500
Joe Beevers -- 130,500
Gary Jones -- OUT

Hand #5. Beevers raises to 8,000 and wins the blinds.
Hand #6. Bihl raises to 8,000 on the button and Kravchenko calls from the big blind. The flop is

Hand #2. Kirk Morrison raises to 8,000 and wins the blinds.
Hand #3. Alex Kravchenko raises to 8,000 and wins the blinds.