James Akenhead Eliminated in 9th Place ($1,263,602)
Steve Begleiter has the button. Action passes to James Akenhead in middle position. He's back in shove-or-fold mode and picks this hand to shove for 4.45 million. Kevin Schaffel calls from the cutoff seat. Once Begleiter and the blinds get out of the way we get a look at the hands, and boy it doesn't look good for Akenhead.


There's a slight murmur on the flop, as it comes with one no-sided card -- but it's a deuce and not a trey,

Akenhead is eliminated, the first player to leave the final table. He looks understandably disappointed. He shakes Phil Ivey's hand first, then Darvin Moon's hand before working his way around the table.
Schaffel has now climbed to 19,250,000 in chips.