Hands #55-57: Kamutzki Shoves River

Hand #55: Reed Goodmiller opened for 64,000 and Ryan Welch called in big blind. The flop was . Goodmiller bet 70,000 when it was checked to him and Welch called. Th eturn
Goodmiuller bet 130,000 and Welch moved all in. Goodmiller mucked.
Hand #56: Michael Katz on the button made it 60,000 and Tony Gargano called. The flop was . Garhgano checked and Katz bet 60,000 which saw no more resistance and Katz won the hand.
Hand #57: Goodmiller raised to 60,000, Heinz Kamutzki raised and Andrew Rennhack called. Back to Goodmiller who called.
The flop was . Rennhack was first to act and he checked as did Goodmiller. Kamutzki bet 175,000, Rennhack folded and Goodmiller called.
The turn card was the and Goodmiller checked. Kamutzki moved all in and Goodmiller folded his hand.