Hands #107-#112

Hand #106: James Wiese raised to 125,000 from under the gun and won the blinds.
Hand #107: Numit Agrawal raised to 125,000 from the hijack seat, and also won the blinds.
Hand #108: Daniel Alaei raised to 150,000 from the hijack seat and got a caller in James Wiese in the small blind. The flop came and both checked. The turn was the
, and Wiese led for 250,000, forcing a fold from Alaei.
Hand #110: It was a limped pot, blind-vs.-blind hand between Gjergj Sinishtaj and Agrawal. They checked down the flop and
turn, then Sinishtaj bet 60,000 after the
river and Agrawal called. Agrawal showed
and Sinishtaj mucked.
Hand #111: A five-way limped pot on this one, and when Tom Marchese fired a 110,000 bet after a flop, all folded.
Hand #112: Marchese raised to 120,000 from under the gun, Sinishtaj called from the cutoff seat, then Alaei repotted to 540,000. Marchese folded quickly, but after just a few seconds Sinishtaj called.
The flop came , and when Alaei led with a bet, Sinishtaj folded.