"You Can Never Be Too Careful!"

Hand #105: Seth Berger received a walk in the big blind when everyone folded.
Hand #106: Matt Perrins received a walk in the big blind.
Hand #107: Perrins limped in from the small blind. Arthur checked his option. The flop came down and both players checked. The turn was the
and Pro called a bet 85,000 from Perrins. The river was the
and Perrins led again for 180,000 which drew a call from Pro. Perrins was holding a
but Pro took down the pot with
for two pair. The show of Pro's hand prompted a shout of "You can never be too careful," from Sam Grafton on the rail.
Hand #108: After a raise from Matt Perrins, Arthur Pro reraised to 450,000, which drew a fold from Berger and Perrins.
Hand #109: Seth Berger took down the pot with a raise from the small blind.