You Show Me Yours and I'll Show You Mine

It seems that Shane Schleger and Matt Waxman have been colliding on their table that is situated at the far end of this vast Brazilia Room, and it has resulted in some great conversation between them.
Schleger had opened the button, Waxman defended his big blind with a three-bet and was facing a four-bet from Schleger.
"Will you show this one, Shane?" said Waxman
Schleger remained silent.
"Shane! Shane, will you show this one?" repeated Waxman.
Schleger shook his head and shortly afterwards Waxman folded.
"I'll tell you some time," said Schelger as he stacked his new found chips.
"I won't be here some time! I want to hear it now!" said Waxman in response.
"You never showed me," said Schleger
"I told you what I had," said Waxman, a recent addition to the list of WSOP bracelet winners.
"I'll tell you later. I'll tell you the truth later."
"If you tell me you were bluffing I'll punch you in the face! No, I'll give you a hug!"
And with that the dealer got busy getting the next hand started and possibly the next chapter of Schleger versus Waxman.