More on that Rule Debate
We could try and explain the rule debate going on in the orange section, but Terrance Chan was present the whole time so we'll let him explain.

tchanpoker Terrence Chan Player OOP discards 2, oppt discards 1, OOP realizes he discarded wrong 2 and pulls back & puts in different 2. Ruled live hand&1rd penalty
June 15 2012

tchanpoker Terrence Chan Wow and now we have a ruling that was escalated from floor to K Ferguson, and now we are waiting on @WSOPTD to make final ruling. 5 min now
June 15 2012
It seemed this was discussed by the WSOP prior to the series and not deemed a problem as a player is always trying to draw to the best hand. Some players argued that it's deemed a penalty in cash games.
The ruling that it is a penalty stands for now, but that might change overnight. World Series of Poker Tournament Director Jack Effel is canvasing senior players like Barry Greenstein as to what rule will stand for the future. We'll let you know tomorrow what has been decided.