A Pair of Cards

The table folded around to Tamas Lendvai who opened with a raise to 30,000 from the button. Jean Luc Marais checked his cards in the small blind, sat quietly for a moment, then reraised to 96,000. It folded back to Lendvai who waited just a moment before announcing he was all in. Marais quickly called with his remaining chips, and the pair tabled their cards.
Lendvai showed his first -- -- then gave Marais a playful push when he showed he had
. The board ran out
, and the two chopped the pot.
"You call with that?!" said Lendvai with a big grin. "You go in with that," answered Marais. "Yeah," chimed Aaron Massey, sitting nearby. "You guys go all in without a pair?!? Craaaazy...."
"Yeah�� can't believe he called me with just ace-high," chuckled Lendvai. Both players are still on the short side, Lendvai with 375,000 and Marais with 215,000.