Double-Up Gives Massive Stack to Massimiliano

Matthew Vengrin raised to 37,000 from under the gun, and Justin Filtz, sitting to Vengrin's left, called the raise. It folded to Massimiliano Martinez on the button who very deliberately carved out a stack of chips and set them forward -- a reraise to 109,000.
The blinds got out, then Vengrin reraised to 279,000 total, forcing Filtz to step aside. Martinez sat quietly, staring ahead at the empty felt, then after several seconds said he was all in. Vengrin quickly called.
Vengrin stood with a knee in his chair to watch the cards come while Martinez stayed in his seat, continuing to strike a solemn pose. The flop came and the turn
, those three diamonds reducing the possible outs for Martinez. Then came the river -- the
! As our tourney director Robbie Thompson would say, "BANG!"
That saving king meant Martinez had not only survived, but he now has about 1.45 mllion chips, one of the biggest stacks currently. Vengrin meanwhile slips to just 260,000.