Brown, Wahlbeck Casualties of a Monster Pot

We picked up a five-way pot just after the dealer scooped the preflop bets and burned the first card.
He spread out
, and we had some action! Steve Zolotow checked from the small blind, and Andrew Brown made the first bet from the big. Robert Stevanovski made the call, and Eric Buchman raised to 4,000. Ville Wahlbeck cold-called in position, and Zolotow check-called both bets as well. Brown's play was an easy one, all in for 5,700 on a reraise. Stevanovski called again, and Buchman raised again, making it 7,700 total. Wahlbeck called (for almost all of his chips), Zolotow called, and Stevenovski called. Again. Got all that?
The turn came the , and Zolotow fired right out into the pot with a bet of his own. Stevanovski called (again), Buchman raised (again), and Wahlbeck called all in for less than 2,000. Zolotow raised, Stevanovski found the "Fold" button finally, and Buchman flatted the extra bet. On the
turn, Zolotow check-called one last bet from Buchman.
Buchman turned up
to take the high half, and Zolotow's
was the nut low to give him half of the big pot, too. We never got to see Wahlbeck's cards as he mucked and left, but Brown hung around for a while lamenting his miss. He flipped his
around in between his hands for a bit, then slapped them down on the felt and shook his head. "I was in a lot better shape than I thought," he said. "Good luck, guys."
With that, another two players have hit the rail. Buchman moves back to the head of the class with about 185,000 chips, while Zolotow climbs to 72,000 himself.