Beating Damon: Chan Can't, Seidel Can!

Erik Seidel fired out 7,000 on a flop only to have Matt Damon move all in.
Seidel made the call for his last 11,400 and we were off to a showdown.
As the announcer Joe Reitman flocked to the table, along with Don Cheadle and Andy Bloch, the dealer delivered the on the turn.
"Ace, jack, nine!" screamed Bloch.
The river fell the to see the pot pushed to Seidel as Damon slipped to 40,000 in chips.
"You're such a jerk Andy!" stated one of the players.
"I guess Seidel can beat Matt . . . something Johnny Chan couldn't do!" added Bloch.
"Bringing up the movie around Seidel is probably not a good idea" continued Bloch before relocating to sweat a different table, but not before adding, "Johnny f**king Chan!"