2008 World Series of Poker
Event 40 - $2,500 2-7 Triple Draw
Day: 3
Event Info
Once again, Phan was the pre-draw aggressor, opening the pot with a raise from the small blind. Uchida called from the big blind and drew three after Phan drew two. Phan bet, and Uchida called.
On the second draw, Phan took one to Uchida's two. Again Phan bet, and for the second time in as many hands, Uchida put Phan to the test with a raise.
Phan, who had put 19 stacks of yellow chips out in a "wall" at his end of the table, pulled the stacks back in front of him one by one, counting his chips along the way. He tanked for over a minute, then folded.
At this point, the chip stacks are fairly evenly spread, but Phan is bringing up the rear in third chip position.

Phan went deep into the tank, for well over a minute. He finally laid down his hand. A few hands later, he told Uchida that he folded 8-7-5-4-2. Uchida didn't believe it at first, but one of Phan's supporters on the rail confirmed the laydown.
"You had eight-six. You didn't want me to break. I had 8-7-5. That's why I thought so long," Phan explained.

When Luong indicated he was standing pat on the third draw, Phan gave him a quick look. Then Phan asked for one card. Luong checked, and Phan thought for about 45 seconds before checking behind. Luong showed 9-5-4-3-2, and Phan mucked, shaking his head.
Luong has crept up to 485,000, while Phan has slipped back to 505,000. Uchida has 216,000.
In a hand between Phan and Gioi Luong, Phan reraised out of the small blind after Luong raised the button. Luong called. Phan took one card on the first draw to Luong's two. Phan bet; Luong called.
Phan was pat on the second draw, while Luong again took two. Imagine Phan's surprise when Luong raised him after he bet. Phan tanked for over a minute, trying to decide what to do. Ultimately, he mucked his hand and claimed he folded 8-7-6.
During the hand, a cocktail server delivered ten beers to the table that Phan ordered. For the moment, they are lined up in two rows of five on an adjoining table.

Uchida is up to 245,000. Luong has 306,000. And Phan continues to enjoy a large lead with 655,000.
On the second draw, Uchida took one again. "I'm supposed to take one," said Phan, "but I'm taking two. I'm gambling. I'm always lucky on the second street." Uchida bet and again Phan called.
Uchida was pat on the third draw. Phan took one, then tanked after Uchida checked to him. Ultimately, he also checked. Uchida opened 8-7-5-4-2.
"I made a six," joked Phan, showing a deuce-to-six straight and mucking his hand.

Phan just now got briefly involved in a blind-vs.-blind hand with Luong. After the second draw, Luong bet out and Phan quizzed him for a while while rearranging his numerous stacks of chips near his new seat. "You got it," he finally conceded.
Meanwhile, Maria Ho just stopped by and asked Shun Uchida if he was better at Deuce-to-Seven than hold'em. He smiled and shook his head.
The updated chip counts are:
Phan - 625,000
Luong - 390,000
Uchida - 240,000