Day 2 is a Wrap

Here are your final nine, along with their seat assignments and chip counts:
Seat 1: Gavin Smith - 197,500
Seat 2: David Peters - 442,000
Seat 3: Damien Oborne - 124,000
Seat 4: Jon Eaton - 75,000
Seat 5: Kenny Bedoya - 701,500
Seat 6: Michael Pickett - 121,000
Seat 7: Edward Sabat - 854,000
Seat 8: Cristian Avendano - 96,500
Seat 9: Lee Watkinson - 337,000
Play will resume tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 p.m. local time when our nine finalists play down to a winner.
Until then, good night and good luck!