Beasley Gets a Ruling

Mike Beasley just had the floor called on him, and that's always fun.
There was a board of
out on the felt, and John Dodge put out a bet of 1,200. Beasley intended to raise to 2,500, but one of the blue T500 chips slipped out of his hand and into the betting area as he made the forward motion.
Bill Bruce was called over to mediate the situation, and he asked the dealer to reenact the bet so he could see what happened. After a bit of discussion and chip charades, Bruce announced, "That's a raise to 2,500." Beasley was satisfied. "I know the chip fell, but it's about intent."
"I'm not smart enough for that," Bruce smirked as he walked away. "I'll judge the action, I can't begin to guess intent." Well put, Bill.
In any event, Dodge eventually called Beasley's small raise for a significant bit of his own chips, and he now has even less. Beasley tabled
for the trip sixes, besting Dodge's
to win the pot and up his stack to about 34,000.