Epparla Tearing it Up
Level 24
: 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

From middle position, Michael Rocco opened the pot to 28,000, and chip leader Ramana Epparla defended his big blind to go heads up to the flop.
It came
, and Epparla knocked the table. Rocco bet 36,000, but Epparla snuck in a check-raise to 76,000. Not to be out-done, Rocco reraised to 136,000, and Epparla came right back over the top with an all-in shove. Rocco couldn't call that, mucking his cards and leaving himself with about 445,000.
Ramana Epparla is on a tear, working his stack up to about 1.4 million. He's got more than 25% of the chips in play.