Steicke's Been Stacked

David Steicke has been eliminated from the 2010 WPT Grand Prix Paris.
Steicke limped in early position, and Jean Rigal sitting on Steicke's immediate left bumped the action up to 750. Steicke made the call, and the two players saw a flop. Steicke checked over to Rigal who put tossed out what looked to be about 1,200 worth of chips. Steicke made the call, prompting the dealer to peel off the
on the turn. Steicke checked again, however when Rigal tossed out his bet of 2,200, Steicke decided to pull the trigger for the rest of chips sliding in a stack of about 10,000 total.
After carefully counting down his chips to see what he would be left with if he made the call, Rigal slid the correct amount into the center and the two flipped over their cards. RIgal was way ahead holding , and Steicke would need to catch one of the two remaining deuces, holding pocket twos.
The river was a brick for Steicke, and he quickly gathered his belongings and made his exit out of the tournament area. Rigal, on the other hand looked to be flourishing with about 50,000.