Point to Benzinou

Two players had limped from early and middle position when the cutoff made it 1,350 to go, drawing calls from three players total -- Joel Benzinou in the big blind, and both of the limpers.
The flop came a provocative . Benzinou, wearing a black hoodie with a white exclamation point on the back -- checked, and the first limper bet 1,600. The next player folded, the cutoff called, and Benzinou called as well.
The turn was another eyebrow-raiser, the . Benzinou again checked, and the early position player bet 5,500. The cutoff folded, and the action was on Benzinou. The Belgian sat quietly for a moment, then gathered a stack of chips and set it forward. The stack stood there before him for a moment -- like an exclamation point -- then tumbled forward. The dealer then counted out the chips -- 13,800.
Benzinou had gotten his opponent's attention. He hemmed and hawed a bit, then showed one card -- the -- before letting his hand go. Benzinou moves up to about 52,000 after that one.