When Will It End?
On a flop of

Somewhere in the not-so-distant past, Nguyen had bet a four-flush board as first to act and then folded to a raise from Cimpan. History repeated itself in this hand, with Nguyen betting 500,000 and then folding to a raise to 1.5 million from Cimpan.
1:51am -- For Those Who Like to Keep Track of Those Sorts of Things
The limits are up to 125,000 and 250,000. The average stack is 6,960,000, or roughly 28 big blinds.
There are no antes for heads-up play at Commerce Casino.
It's been more than four-and-a-half hours since Mike Sowers was eliminated in third place.
1:48am -- Cimpan's Knaves Are Enough
Look, I'm not going to lie. The hour is getting very late, and the action hasn't been scintillating. I can't tell you how Binh Nguyen and Cornel Andrew Cimpan got to the river on a board of

1:45am -- Play Resumes
We were on another tape-change break, but play just resumed.