Nguyen Chip Leader Again

Last call is in 15 minutes (yeah, California is.. unfortunate... in that regard). Place your cocktail orders now.
1:25am -- Nguyen Good to the Last Card
I'm out of words to describe the ridiculously amazing river beats we've witness over the course of the six... er, seven days of this tournament. Binh Nguyen just open-shoved preflop with

Nguyen's the chip leader. Again. Play continues. Some more.
1:22am -- Savage Getting Punchy Too
"This is now a seven-day tournament," TD Matt Savage just quipped. Yes, folks. The hour is late.
1:20am -- Wow, Really?
A raised pot between Binh Nguyen and Cornel Andrew Cimpan reached the turn. With the board showing

The very next hand, Nguyen raised to 500,000 from the button and then released his hand when Cimpan announced he was all in.
1:11am -- The Natives Aren't Restless, They're Dead
Binh Nguyen opened for 500,000 preflop in front of Cornel Andrew Cimpan, who moved all in. There was hardly a reaction from the audience to that development, a sure sign that we have reached the point where people just want this thing to end. Nguyen folded.
1:07am -- You Thought the Action was Slow BEFORE...
Now that Binh Nguyen has lost the chip lead, and Cornel Andrew Cimpan remains committed to his small ball approach, play has ground down even further. Nguyen has actually folded his button a few times recently, which hadn't happened at all when he had the chip lead.
Most hands are now limped, with a single bet taking the pot down somewhere after the flop.