D'Auria Loses a Heartbreaker; Falls to 275K

After asking the dealer for a count, D'Auria dove deep into the tank. A few minutes then passed before Payman Arjang, who folded before the action fell on D'Auria, spoke up, saying, "Ah... we need to go a little bit quicker. Not you (D'Auria), but in general."
Cornel Andrew Cimpan quickly came to D'Auria's defense. "This is huge. Give him time."
"The blinds are getting up there and the clock is working against us," Arjang replied, barely able to blurt out a complete rebuttal before D'Auria announced "Call!"
Everyone else got out of the way and when the hands were turned over, the room let out a collective groan as both players revealed variations of ace-king:


Before the dealer spread the flop, D'Auria stood up and reached out to Walsh offering a friendly fist pound.
"No hearts!" D'Auria pleaded with the dealer, as she revealed the flop:

Matt Savage narrated from there; here's the gist of it:
"There's one heart," he said, after the flop was on the table.

"There's two hearts! Let's see the river..."

"It's a heart! Pat has made a flush!"
The room was stunned. The hand left D'Auria with just 275,000 in chips while Walsh improved to 1.6 million with the win.
In an impressive display of good sportsmanship, D'Auria stood up once more to pound fists with the guy who just cleaned out most of his stack. "Good job... right here," he said, with absolute sincerity.