15 Words of Spanish for $2,000

Overall, the hands on Day 2 have been lackluster thus far, but the table chatter and side bets have been extraordinary. Most recently, Matthew Kirk offered Andrew Robl $2,000 if he could say 15 words in Spanish.
Robl was reluctant, but urged on by the rest of the table rattled off numbers one through nine (uno, dos, tres, etc.) followed by se?orita and se?or. Kirk interjected that numbers didn't count, something that had apparently been discussed, but that didn't interrupt Robl's flow.
"Polo," Robl said, clearly meaning pollo, the Spanish word for chicken. Scott Seiver and a few others got a good chuckle.
"Curvesa," Robl tried. "The Spanish word for beer."
Robl's butchering of cervesa inspired an even bigger round of laughter.
"It's embarrassing to your girlfriend," Seiver needled after Robl had informed them that it was embarrassing because his significant other was of Latin decent and her entire family spoke Spanish.
Needless to say, Robl did not collect on the bet.