Huge Doubles for Hall as Kings Hold

The hand following the one where he doubled Galen Hall, Chris Oliver raised to 750,000 from the button with the . Hall reraised to 1.9 million holding the
and this one looked like it might get big given that Oliver just doubled Hall on the last hand. Indeed, Oliver came back over the top with a four-bet to 4.3 million. Hall studied for a bit and then five-bet for just about the minimum. Oliver quickly shoved and Hall snapped him off.
The pot was worth just shy of 40 million and Hall would earn a commanding chip lead if he were to win this hand. The flop was first and it rolled out to keep Hall's kings in front. Oliver still was looking for an ace on the turn or river to win the event.
The turn brought the and now just an ace was needed for Oliver to end the event. The
fell on the river and that did it, Hall earned the double up. He moved to just about 40 million while Oliver dropped to under seven million.