Peltekci's Aces

Michael Peltekci raised to 2,000 from the hijack seat before Sorel Mizzi three-bet to 5,200 from the cutoff. The player on the button tossed in 2,000, intending to call the original raise. He didn't see that Mizzi had reraised to a greater amount. The player could now call or fold, but the 2,000 he put in the pot had to stay there. He made the call of the 5,200 before action fell on Michel Habib in the small blind. He reraised to 25,400. Action moved back over to Peltekci and he fired all in for 69,400. Mizzi and the button folded, but Habib called all in for less.
Habib held the and was crushed by Peltekci's
. The board ran out
and Peltekci moved up to about 150,000 in chips while sending Habib to the rail.