Arjang Eliminated While DeMaci Drops

Chris DeMaci raised to 19,000 from early position and received a call from Josh Prager in the big blind. When the flop fell , Prager check-called a bet of 24,000 from DeMaci to see the
on the turn, which both players checked.
Prager then best a tiny 15,000 when the appeared on the river. DeMaci thought about it for a long time before folding, dropping to 470,000 in the process.
Not too long after, David Peters raised to 16,000 on the button and DeMaci reraised to 45,000. The big blind, Payman Arjang, called all in for his last 34,000 and Peters called DeMaci's raise. With one player all in, the flop came down . DeMaci bet 47,000, Peters called, and both players checked the
turn. When the
was put out on the river, DeMaci checked, Peters bet 86,000, and DeMaci tank-folded. Peters showed
for a pair of nines. Arjang simply mucked while Peters chipped up to 600,000. DeMaci is down to 360,000.