Robinson Motions and Mercier Mucks

Matt Glantz raised to 2,400 from early position and David Robinson called from the next seat. Action then folded to Russell Crane on the button and he called. Jason Mercier also called out of the big blind.
The flop came down and action checked over to Robinson. He bet 5,500 and Crane folded. Mercier paused for a moment and then made the call before Glantz dropped out as well.
The turn brought the and Mercier checked. Robinson also checked to see the
come on the river and complete the board. After Mercier checked, Robinson motioned towards his chips and Mercier gave it up. Robinson slid out the 11,500 that he was going to bet, but saw that Mercier had already mucked his hand and quickly pulled it back before collecting the pot.
Mercier dropped back to 32,000 while Robinson increased to 99,000.