Negreanu Makes Quads; Smith Boosted

Not only is Kristy Arnett our new on-camera personality, but she's also got some skills reporting the action from around the room. Here's some of the news she gathered.
"With a dwindling stack of 22,200, Negreanu pushed all in from early position. It folded around to the big blind who asked how much the bet was for. Negreanu answered and then the big blind called and flipped over pocket eights. Negreanu sheepishly showed his pocket sevens. He wasn��t behind for long though as the flop came . Quads were good for a double up as the turn and river blanked off and Negreanu now has nearly 50,000 chips."
In case you didn't catch it from our video gallery, here's an interview Kristy did with Daniel Negreanu early in the day on Day 1 shortly after he doubled up just minutes into action.
She also reported a hand with Justin "BoostedJ" Smith and here's how that went.
"Justin Smith repopped a middle-position raiser on the button with the . The original raiser called and the flop came
. After the opponent checked, Smith followed through with a bet and was check-raised all in. Smith snap-called after flopping the nuts against his opponent's
. The board ran out
to move Smith up to 150,000."