Watson and Rahal Chop Up Zhao

Level 7
: 2,000/4,000, 0 ante
Limit Flop/Draw: 1,000/2,000, 1,000-2,000 Limits
Stud Games: 500 Ante, 700 Bring-In, 2,000 Completion 2,000-4,000 Limits
No-Limit & Pot-Limit: 1,000 Ante, 500/1,000 Blinds
Stud Games: 500 Ante, 700 Bring-In, 2,000 Completion 2,000-4,000 Limits
No-Limit & Pot-Limit: 1,000 Ante, 500/1,000 Blinds
Stud Hi-Lo
Antoine Rahal: XxXx/4?K?7?3?/Xx
Mike Watson: XxXx/A?8?3?6?/Xx
Jiaming Zhao: XxXx/8?10?5?2?/Xx
Antoine Rahal brought in, Mike Watson completed, Jiaming Zhao called, and Rahal came along as well. Watson tossed in a bet on fourth and fifth street and received two calls.
On sixth street, the action checked to Rahal, who bet. Both Watson and Zhao called before Watson led out again on seventh street. Again, his two opponents called and all three showed down.
Watson tabled 6?4?2? for a low and a pair of sixes. Zhao showed 10?8?2? for two pair, tens and eights, while Rahal had K?Q?4? for two pair, kings and fours.
Watson was awarded the low part of the pot and Rahal the high part, leaving Zhao with nothing.
Player | Chips | Progress |
-24,000 |
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19,900 |
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8,500 |