Hand #83-87: Bilic Wins a Big One

Hand #83: Niall Farrell had again and opened for 250,000. Alen Bilic had
in the big blind and he called. The flop brought just over cards for both:
and Bilic and Farrell checked. The
fell on the turn and both players checked again. They did so to on the
river and the pot went to Farrell.
Hand #84: Alen Bilic opened for 250,000 and Farrell three bet to 725,000 with
. Bilic folded.
Hand #85: Niall Farrell open folded, Bilic received a walk with .
Hand #86: Bilic opened with and Farrell called with
. The flop came
and saw both players check. They did so to on the
on the turn. The
completed the board and again both players checked. Bilic won it with ace-high.
Hand #87: Farrell raised it before the flop and Bilic called. On a flop of Bilic check raised the 300,000 continuation bet to 825,000 with
. Farrell had
and called. The
fell on the turn and Bilic picked up the heart draw and extra gutshot. Bilic bet 1,125,000 into the 2,170,000 pot. Farrell tanked long and hard and eventually folded.