Quoss Cracks a Set of Kings

Fabian Quoss has been in good form of late, having reached the final table of the WPT Grand Prix de Paris and then winning the �15,000 buy-in High Roller at the same festival. Along with playing well, the German is also running well too; as the following hand will demonstrate.
Ludovit Fischer opened to 525 from UTG+1 and he was called by Iosif Beskrovnyy to his immediate to left. Quoss was next to act and he squeezed to 1,800, only to see Soerren Voehrs put in a four-bet to 3,500. This last bet was enough to fold out Fischer and Beskrovnyy, but Quoss liked the look of his hand and he five-bet to 6,500. Voehrs opted to call and the pair shared a flop.
Quoss initially checked and then called as Voehrs bet 6,000. The on the turn was once again checked by Quoss, but Voehrs showed no signs of slowing down; in fact he moved all-in for 10,625. Quoss tanked for close to two minutes before calling, and the cards were revealed.
Quoss was behind but he still had outs to the heart flush. The dealer burned a card and placed the on the river, completing Quoss' flush and sending Voehrs to the sidelines.