Did Nottoli Have A Spade?

Dario Nittoli is first to act and he raises to 350 from under the gun. To his immediate left is his fellow countryman Davide Andreoni and he three-bets to 850, forcing everyone to fold back around to the open-raiser. Nittoli puts in the extra 500 chips and we are heads up to the .
After the preflop action and the position the players are seated in we are expecting some fireworks to go off here but they won't be exploding on the flop as both players almost instantly check. The turn is another spade, the queen, and again both players decline to bet. The river is the and the board now contains more spades than your typical builder's yard. Nittolo decides to try and represent one and tests the water with a bet of 850. Andreoni sighs, checks his cards and sends them back to the dealer.