Did Alexander Manson Bluff Jan Molby?

Former Liverpool and Denmark footballer Jan molby gets the betting round started with a raise to 4,000 from middle position. His large raise pushed out most of his opponents but Alexander Manson fancied a shot at his fellow countryman and he called from the button.
Flop: - Molby checked to his lone opponent who bet 3,500. Molby sat completely motionless before springing into action and check-raising Mason to 8,000 in total, a tad on the small side some may argue. Mason agreed and called.
Turn: - Molby instantly checked to Mason and Mason took that as a sign to bet 12,000. Molby folded 30 seconds later and Mason let him choose a card. Molby chose the right hand card, which was the
which caused a smile from Molby and after a friendly exchange in Danish Mason shrugged and went a little shade of red.