Elder Eradicated

Rupert Elder will not become the first double EPT champion because he has been eliminated at the hands of another former champion Roberto Romanello.
Joining the action on the flop, Samuli Spiila bet 1,400, Elder raised to 4,200 and Romanello put in a raise of his own, this one to 7,800. Spiila got out of the way but Elder raised to around 16,000 then called when Romanello moved all in.
Elder needed running cards but the turn and river were the and
respectively and after the chips were counted, Elder had 32,500, Elder was eliminated and Romanello now has more than 70,000 chips.
Team PokerStars Pro Pierre Neuville was talking to Jan Molby about Romanello and he said, "That is how he wins tournaments, he is charming so they give him their chips. He gets all the women, all the men and all the chips!"