Verstraete On Climbing Vertically

From the hijack seat Jan Verstraete opened the betitng with a raise to 250. The cutoff is yet to take his seat so his hand is declared dead but Dag Vidorbrigsvor decided he wanted to play and he made the call from the button. Former EPT Prague Champion Roberto Romanello folded in the small blind but Jan Molby called from the big blind.
The dealer burned a card the fanned out the all heart flop. Molby checked, Verstraete continued with a bet of 400 and only Vidorbrigsvor came along for the ride so it was heads up to the
turn. Verstraete fired a second barrel of 800 chips and Vidorbrigsvor announced "call" and instantly called.
The river was the and not Verstraete took his foot off the gas. Almost as soon as the queen had landed on the felt he had reached out and tapped the table. Vidrobrigsvor decided to try his luck and took a stab at the pot, firing a bet of 1,525 into his his opponent but the Belgian was having none of it and he quickly called.
Verstraete: and the win.
Vidrobrigsvor: 26,400 chips
Verstraete: 34,500