Hands 150-153: Playing Chicken for Stacks of Gold

Hand 150: Merulla raised to 800,000 and Paredes flatted to take the flop. Paredes checked to Merulla, who fired out a bet of 700,000. Paredes was not impressed though, and he raised it up to 1.8 million, a move which forced the fold and earned the pot.
Hand 151: Merulla got a walk in the big
Hand 152: Merulla opened for 800,000 and Paredes called, with the flop coming . Merulla led for 700,000 and Paredes counted out a stack before folding his cards.
Hand 153: Paredes opened for 800,000 and Merulla took his time before three-betting to 2 million flat. Paredes obliged with the call and the two took a flop of . Merulla grabbed a handful of gold T100000 chips and slowly counted out a bet of 1.5 million and placed it forward, and Paredes only took a few seconds before calling the bet. The turn card came
and Merulla reached for his stack to make a big 2.4 million wager. Paredes tanked for a bit before tossign his cards away, and a sizable pot was shipped to Merulla.