Choi Loses A Big One

Bryan Choi opened for 130,000 in early position and Robert Merulla took his time before silently moving a stack of raising chips forward. His three-bet was to 305,000 on the dot, but the dealer miscounted the chips and announced a reraise to 330,000 instead. Nobody corrected the dealer and Choi believed he needed to call 200,000 to continue, even though he was only obligated to put 175,000 in the pot if he wished to see the flop.
Choi counted out his hot pink T25000 chips into stacks of four - each one worth 100,000 - and slid each one forward as a group, meaning he put 400,000 forward instead of the 200,000 he thought was now on him. The dealer announced a raise, seeing more than the amount needed going forward, but Merulla calmly asked to halt the action, as he did not believe Choi was actually raising.
Choi confirmed that he meant to call the bet, and eventually the situation was sorted out... all except for the lone T25000 chip that Choi never needed to contribute. Merulla took down the pile after betting the turn on the board.