Dickie Malone Pulls $50K Bounty

The alluring and elusive $50,000 bounty is no longer in play as it has been claimed by Dickie Malone.
Malone had a good feeling when he walked up to pull his bounty as it was the 22nd bounty pull of the day, which just so happens to be Malone's lucky number.
Malone slowly opened the envelope and peeled the open the folded piece of paper, slowly revealing a "50" followed by a comma and series of zeroes.
"HAAAA! I'm serious!" Malone yelled to let the other players know he really won the big one.
Malone was ecstatic about drawing the $50K envelope, while none of the remaining players seemed too thrilled about the biggest bounty being removed from play.
"When he showed me that number ... it's my racing number, baseball number, basketball number ... I said 'this has got to be it,'" Malone said.