Running Out of Time

Here in Melbourne, when action is on you and you don't act before you've run out of time, you either check (if there's no bet before you) or you fold (if there's a bet waiting for you to call or not). In some other venues, a time bank chip is automatically put into play if you don't act in time with action is on you, while here at the Aussie Millions you have to announce yourself that you want to use the time breaker chip.
Just now, David Peters was facing a decision on a board. Steffen Sontheimer had bet 25,500 and Peters needed to make up his mind on what to do. He did not so in time, and his hand was declared dead. He was just a second too late with announcing he wanted to use a time breaker chip.
It's a timely game, no room for long tanks here in the $100,000 Challenge at the Aussie Millions.