From the button, Gill made it 10,000 to play and when the action reached Taylor in the small blind, he moved all in over the top for about 27,000. Emad Tahtouh folded his big blind and Gill made the call:


The dealer then spread a

Level: 16
Blinds: 2,000/4,000
Ante: 0
Level: 15
Blinds: 1,500/3,000
Ante: 0
Good afternoon, and welcome back to our continued coverage of Aussie Millions Event #4 - $1,100 PLO. We closed up shop late last night with nine players remaining, all of them in the money.
Headlining today's final table are Betfair's Annette Obrestad and PokerStars' Team Pro Emad Tahtouh, both with enough chips to do some damage. Oliver Gill is your chip leader with just over 240,000 in chips.
Here's a look at the starting seat assignments and chip stacks:
Seat 1: Paul Taylor - 17,500
Seat 2: Emad Tahtouh - 133,000
Seat 3: Con Angelakis - 165,000
Seat 4: Tony Bloom - 93,000
Seat 5: Billy Seri - 44,000
Seat 6: Michael Sampieri - 26,500
Seat 7: Ryan Gutch - 83,000
Seat 8: Annette Obrestad - 157,000
Seat 9: Oliver Gill - 241,000
Play is scheduled to begin at 4:00 p.m. local time, so we should be underway momentarily. Tournament staff members are in the process of breaking a table from today's hold'em tournament to make room for our nine finalists on the feature table. Once that happens, the cards will be in the air, but in the meantime check out Lynn Gilmartin's recap: