David Saab could get no momentum after dinner
Things did not exactly go David Saab's way after the dinner break. He quickly found his stack halved and the downward spiral continued, until Dan Shak finally put an end to his tournament moments ago.
Saab opened from under the gun and Shak, who wasn't making life easy for Saab with position, immediately reraised him. It folded back to Saab, who made the call.
Before the flop could be dealt, Saab checked in the dark. Shak bet out at the flop, only for Saab to raise, putting the rest of his chips into the middle. Shak made the call and the players showed down their cards.
With the turn and river , giving no help to Saab, his day was done.
Maya Gellar-Antonius
Jason Gray opened with a raise from under the gun, with Maya Gellar-Antonius, James Obst and Daniel Kochan making the call.
They saw a flop of and the action checked to Gellar-Antonius, who bet out. This forced a fold from Obst, with Kochan and Gray deciding to call.
The turn was the , and both Kochan and Gray checked to Gellar-Antonius, who fired another bet. This time it was successful, as both opponents gave it up. Gellar-Antonius is handling herself well at a very tough table as she climbs to 27,000 chips.
Sachinidis is done today
Jim Sachinidis has been eliminated after getting the last of his chips in the middle preflop. Sachinidis, who was holding , was up against Jesse McGuire's . Sachinidis was drawing virtually dead after the flop. The turn sealed his fate and Sachinidis was sent to the rail before the meaningless river fell.
Jason Gray up to 8,400
Preflop, Jason Gray found himself all in holding .
The board ran out , with Jesse Maguire betting every street and getting flat called the whole way down by David Campbell. At the showdown, McGuire rolled over , which was good to win the sidepot, but was no match for Gray's set of dueces. Amazingly neither player had the required Jack to knock out Gray.
Gray parlays his "ugly ducks" into 8,400 in chips.
Herbert MacKay is the latest elimination from the tournament after flopping top pair on a board. MacKay held , but ran into big trouble as the giant-killing David Bach had flopped the straight with his .
The on the turn and the on the river ended MacKay's tournament as Bach surges to a huge chip lead with 80,000 chips.
Dean Blatt
Dean Blatt has sent Jarred Solomon to the rail on a board of after Blatt tabled for the best hand.
Solomon stood up and left the table, but after a quick count it was discovered that he was left with a single black 100-denomination chip. He returned to the table, but a famous chip and a chair story didn't quite unfold, as he was eliminated on the very next hand anyway.
Blatt, a final table finisher in Event #1 of this series, is now up to 27,000 chips.
Matt Vengrin and Rob Campbell have both been eliminated at the hands of Rob Price. Both short-stacks were all in preflop with Campbell's and Vengrin's up against the of Price.
The board landed to send the pot to Price and both of his opponents to the rail. Price is up to 17,000.