Topakas Scoops; Eliminates Bloom and Eastwood
In preflop action, Topakas opened with a limp of 300 from early position before Ken Eastwood raised all in for 575. Ashish Gupta called before Tony Bloom put in another raise to 875. Constantin Harach cold-called and Topakas came along for the ride.
The flop landed

The turn was the

With only two live players remaining, the river was the

With three players all in, the hands were revealed:



Eastwood: mucked
Bloom held pocket aces but Harach had spiked a set on the flop with his queens. However it was not enough as Topakas ran them down with a running king-high straight. With no low on board Topakas more than triples up as Bloom and Eastwood are both eliminated on a wild hand!