Ardmore Doubles Through Honeybone

Noah Vogelman opened to 1,600 only to have James Honeybone three-bet to 3,600. Ardmore Vakalahi made the call from the button before the flop was checked to Vakalahi.
Vakalahi fired out 3,200 and only Honeybone made the call as the rolled off on the turn and Honeybone checked to see Vakalahi push out a bet of 3,600.
Honeybone moved all in for roughly 24,000 and Vakalahi instantly made the call for his 22,400.
"Twinkle, twinkle!" screamed Vakalahi at his virtual lock on the pot before the dealer dropped the to ensure him the double to 62,000 as Honeybone was left crippled on just 1,100.