Sheldon Turned, Crippled and then Eliminated

On a flop of and facing a bet of 5,000, Sheldon bumped it up from the cutoff to 10,000.
His opponent made the call as the landed on the turn and, after a check, Sheldon fired out 8,000. His opponent moved all in for 9,975 to put Sheldon in the tank before he eventually made the call.
With Sheldon's flopped straight now being outdrawn on the turn, he would need a ten to fall on the river to see him chop the pot up.
Unfortunately for the Star City Poker Room regular, the landed on the river to see Sheldon crippled to just 1,325.
The following hand, Sheldon moved all in and was called by the very opponent that he just doubled up from the big blind.
"Just giving some back!" was the statement directed to Sheldon as his opponent rolled over his five-high.
However, that statement would become redundant when the final board of was spread to see Sheldon's pair rundown to force him to the rail.
"You're kidding!" added tablemate Ismail Ismail about the last two hands Sheldon had lost.