Jeney Can't Stand River Raise

Level 1
: 50/100, 0 ante
From early position, Kristina Jeney raised to 225. Tom Rafferty in middle position called and then Jonas Kronwitter reraised to 900 from late position. Jeney and Rafferty both made the call to see the flop come down .
On the flop, all three players checked and the paired the board on the turn. Jeney led with a bet of 725. Rafferty called and Kronwitter folded. We're unsure if Kronwitter accidentally exposed his hand or if he just thought play was only heads up, but the
was revealed from his hand when he folded.
The river completed the board with the and Jeney fired 1,125. Rafferty raised to 4,500. Jeney mucked and dropped back to 26,000 in chips. Rafferty moved to about 35,000.