Schreiber Ships a Big'un; Turns Lin into Roadkill

Action folded around the table to Darkhan Botabayev in the cutoff, who made it 12,000 to go. Next to act, Roel Pijpers upped the ante to 34,000 from the button. Action then fell to Schreiber in the small blind, who moved all in for a total of 103,200.
Lin had already committed over half of his stack (4,000) to the big blind, and obligatorily tossed his last 3,000 chips into the mess that had unfolded before him.
Both Botabayev and Pijpers let go of their cards, meaning Schreiber was guaranteed to take down the sidepot and face Lin heads-up for the main.
The cards were then tabled and Schreiber's

After the hand, Schreiber stacked up just under 170,000 in chips.