Call All In or Fold? Parker Talbot Breaks Down a Big Postflop Decision

"This hand is kind of silly. I feel like I made multiple mistakes in this hand, but that's okay."
So said Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot" when prefacing his analysis of a hand he played in the recently completed PokerStars Championship Barcelona High Roller.
Talbot took 13th in the �10,300 buy-in event won by Ronny Kaiser, one of three cashes by Talbot during the series.
A popular streamer on Twitch, Talbot is used to sharing hands he has played with an audience, and does well to explain what happened and his thought process in this one.
The hand occurred on Day 2 of the event, after the money bubble had burst and with around 60-65 players left from the 557-entry field. The blinds were 5,000/10,000 with a 1,000 ante when a player in the cutoff raised to 22,000. Talbot three-bet from the small blind to 76,000 with J?7?, and his opponent called.
"Already a little bit questionable," grins Talbot, referring to his reraise.
The flop came 7?5?4?. Talbot led for 55,000 into a pot of about 160,000, and his opponent called. Then the turn brought the 10?, giving Talbot a flush draw to go with his pair of sevens.
There was about 270,000 in the middle and Tablot had 340,000 behind, and he chose to check. His opponent �� who had him covered �� responded by quickly moving all in.
Here Talbot breaks down his opponent's possible range of hands in detail, work that he had to do at the table in order to decide whether to call or fold.
Listen to Talbot analyze the situation �� in particular how he narrowed down his opponent's range to draws only �� and find out what happened next:
As Talbot tells it, after a long tank he did call and saw his opponent table A?6? for an open-ended straight draw, the nut flush draw, and an overcard. But Talbot managed to fade all of those outs to win the pot and continue his run.