Strategy with Kristy Podcast: Observations of Successful Live Pros

On this week's episode of the Strategy with Kristy podcast, host Kristy Arnett discusses five observations she's made about successful live cash-game players in Las Vegas.
Here is a snippet from the podcast:
"I've lived here in Las Vegas for the past seven years. I've seen lots of players move here to try and make it as a pro, but there are only a few who have stuck around. Throughout this time, I've become friends with many of the successful players in town and have been able to find out what have been keys to 'making it.' I've compiled a list of a few observations I and others have made and wanted to share them you on this podcast.
"The first observation was one made by my husband, Andrew (he was a guest on the podcast in the Live Grinder Series). He was sitting at an empty table at Aria waiting to be seated in a game. While he was waiting, he was listening to a poker podcast. A friend of his, who was also waiting for a game, came over and sat by him. They chatted, and the friend asked Andrew what he was listening to. He told him it was a strategy podcast and the friend nodded and continued looking at Facebook on his phone. It was then that Andrew realized, 'I'm making money right now, and you're not.' He said this out loud to his friend. Not in a condescending way, but in an observational tone. By listening to the podcast instead of browsing social media while he waits for a game, he's improving his hourly rate. Successful players will always find time to learn more."
Tune in every week for new episodes of Strategy with Kristy. Feel free to send in questions, ideas or suggestions for the podcast to [email protected]. Also remember to follow Kristy Arnett and PokerNews on Twitter for up-to-the-minute news.