BlogNews Weekly: #AskNanonoko and Learn How To Survive Your First Live Poker Event

Each week, PokerNews brings you insight into the happenings at some of the major poker sites. Featuring the most popular blog posts, BlogNews Weekly is your one-stop shop for all your poker blog highlights.
This week, we bring you highlights from PokerStars, Full Tilt, and partypoker blogs from last week.
All In With Randy Lew
To many poker players, PokerStars Team Pro Online member Randy "Nanonoko" Lew is one of the top minds in the game, especially when it comes to online ring games where he earned over $1 million in profits since November 2009 while rarely playing higher than $5/$10 no-limit hold'em.
Last Sunday, Lew gave his fans an unique opportunity to pick his mind, when, according to the PokerStars Blog post All In with Nanonoko, he answered questions in real time on any poker-related topic on the PokerSchoolOnline Twitch channel.
There were two ways you were able to interact with Lew in hopes he answers your poker-related questions. First, you were able to post your question ahead of time in this thread on the PokerSchoolOnline poker forum. If you preferred asking in real-time, you were able to do so while Lew is broadcasting via Twitter by including #AskNanonoko in your social media post.
*Edit: The event took place Sunday Apr. 26 and not on May 3, as initially stated. *
Discover on the PokerStars Blog how you can get any poker-related question answered by Lew this Sunday.
Discover Pot-Limit Five-Card Draw
The Game of the Week at Full Tilt is the old-school game of pot-limit five-card draw. While the rules of the game are quite simple, the strategy behind one of poker's oldest games can prove to be challenging, even for players than have mastered other games.
If you are interested in learning pot-limit five-card draw, you should consider checking on the Full Tilt Blog titled Learning Pot-Limit Five-Card Draw, where Gareth Chantler breaks down some great strategy you should consider incorporating while playing.
The blog delves into how many cards you should consider drawing in certain situations, how you should bet before the draw, and what you should be thinking before you call with a hand with many draws.
Learn more on the Full Tilt Blog about strategy in pot-limit five-card draw.
10 Live Poker Tips
With the Grand Prix Million about to kick off on May 15 online at partypoker and live at Dusk Till Dawn, followed by the World Series of Poker (WSOP) in the summer, many players will be bracing themselves for their first experience playing poker in a live environment.
The first time playing live poker in a casino can be nerve wrecking even for the most seasoned online poker player. The partypoker Blog titled 10 Tips To Survive Your First Live Poker Game is designed to help any aspiring poker player make their first time on the live felt as smooth as possible.
While we won't divulge all the tips in the blog, we will share two important tips that address a couple of big mistakes online poker players tend to make when hitting the live felt for the first time. First, you should always remember to act in turn. Second, you should always protect your cards so they don't inadvertently hit the muck thus potentially ending you hand prematurely.
Head to the partypoker Blog to learn about ten great tips for live poker play.
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