Ez Poker Notes: Available in the App Store

Do you ever wonder how your opponents at the poker table always seem to know what you are doing? How they are always seem to be one step ahead of you? These players don't have photographic memory... It is likely because they are taking notes about your game!
Every successful live and online poker player takes a ton of notes on their opponents. It has become one of the most important activities needed to win at poker. Ez Poker Notes is the newest note-taking tool for the iPhone and iPad, specifically designed for live poker games.
Note-taking involves jotting all of your observances down so you can figure out what kind of player each of your opponents are, what tells they have, and pick up on any patterns they've displayed throughout your session. EZ Poker Notes is the tool you need for successful note-taking, making it quicker and easier than ever before.
Ez Poker Notes is very extremely to use. On this app, you can:
1. Visualize the tendencies of your opponents with a full table overview helped by text, images, statistics, and a player-strength indicator.

2. Create, edit and organize notes for each player at your table. If you have any doubts about your observations, you can indicate how reliable you believe each note is, with the handy five-star reliability tool.

3. Save time by creating predefined notes, allowing you to load them for any player profile without having to type the same notes repeatedly.

4. Save player information, allowing you to load past player data when an opponent sits at your table again in the future. Now you will always know exactly how to exploit your opponent.

While other players are still struggling to make notes in their note tool, you are able to save time, and stay focused on what is happening at the poker table, allowing you to make better decisions.
If you own an Apple device, such as an iPhone or iPad, go to the App Store and simply download Ez Poker Notes now.
Please visit ezpokernotes.com for more information.